Acupuncture and Stress
3 Ways Acupuncture Can Help with Stress! - Christian Disla In Chinese medicine we view stress as a sign of stagnation for both energy and blood. This is…
3 Ways Acupuncture Can Help with Stress! - Christian Disla In Chinese medicine we view stress as a sign of stagnation for both energy and blood. This is…
Acupuncture is a system of medicine that has existed for 2000 years and it works by activating the body's own healing mechanism to promote self-healing. As Acupuncture Physicians, we are…
Earn your spots just like Olympic champion Michael Phelps - Tony Ambush The Olympic Games are an amazing gathering of athletes from all over the world. During the Olympic…
How 3 Colors Can Help Your Kids Steer Clear of Unhealthy Foods It’s back to school for everyone! Summer is over and kids are heading off to school. The jam…
Proper Nutrition Can Help Reduce Symptoms of Withdrawal -Tony Ambush Weaning the body off of any addictive substance; food, drugs, alcohol, etc. take a toll on the body’s ability…
- Tony Ambush, LMT The cycle of addiction most often springs from past or recent pain and trauma. The cycle of addiction and the feelings of pain, guilt, and shame keep…
- Tony Ambush, LMT, CHC What is Traffic Light Eating? Well, it isn’t an idea that promotes eating while driving. Traffic Light Eating was developed by the Dr. Sears Wellness…
Many people struggle to eat right. Getting the right food into your body can be a daily challenge. Fast food and all-you-can-eat buffets seem to be around every corner. Trans-fat,…
- Tony Ambush, LMT, CHC When you think of losing weight what comes to mind first? If you are like most people the answers would be diet and exercise. Aside…
How do you get the massage your body needs without loosening your boundaries around nudity and modesty? With massage, it’s easy. Some people are not keen on having a stranger…
Here’s the secret about “the secret to losing weight.” Weight loss is one of the biggest money making industries in our country today. Television, radio, and magazines along…
Every wonder why a smell, scent, or fragrance can bring up memories and emotional responses? Our olfactory sense is the quickest route to our brain. Our sense of smell is…